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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Sundries--Just Shy of a Dozen Edition

How did another week/weekend go by without me getting all the things done I needed to do? While a lot of it was spent here on the loveseat with my laptop, I did manage to get some of the clothing issue under control. I now have a couple of bags of no longer needed "Fat Girl" clothes ready to go to the consignment shop. I have a few more scenes written and some more stuff organized on the computer for my fiction, so it was kind of a spring cleaning time for me, I guess. Don't get me wrong--I still have a ton of stuff to do to make sure we don't get condemned by the Health Department in the next week, but there was some progress in my real and fictional lives.

While I had the "butt in chair" part of the writing equation under control, there seemed to be more Jewel Quest II than original writing done this weekend. Please be patient with me. I am truly a work in progress. And I did get to see the new movie "The Avengers" this weekend. It was pretty cool--not just a jumbled mess of special effects. Definitely a recommend for the fannish among us.

Speaking of being fannish--how cool is this "portal" cake? Love creative stuff like this. Kid has a cool mom. And speaking of moms--

Hedgehogs are so interesting, aren't they? They really do look like little aliens. Here's another silly looking critter with a laugh:

Here's a familiar friend who's doing his job right:

I have a character that runs until he just drops and I think he needs a dog to keep up with him and help herd him.

How's that face for an awwwww? Our furry friends really don't understand sometimes.

Not a cute face, but a funny one. What would your perfect day be?

This little buddy definitely isn't having one.

Dear hubby may be taking his motorcycle to the local Blessing of the Bikes in a bit. This made me smile. In the day, I could definitely rock a leather jacket.

But now, I just laugh at myself and most of my wardrobe choices. It seems I'm definitely dressing for comfort now. If I were looking for a sign to get my personal life in gear and get organized, here it is:

Seriously, just go ahead and do it. And while we're talking about doing things, here's a final bit of advice:

Listen to the furball. Everybody have a super and productive week, OK?